Monday, October 29, 2007

Remodeling Continues at Breakneck Speed

Wow, we had a great weekend. Laurie's Dad and brother Justin came out and did so much work on the house for us! They came prepared to do insulation and sheet rock but because we didn't get an inspection scheduled in time we got them to help with a bunch of other stuff. In just three days they got the roof put on the addition, a fence built for my whole yard and an extra slab of concrete next to our driveway. This will keep our cars from blocking the sidewalk and also reduce the number of inter-family vehicular mutilation when we hit our own cars.

After the concrete got poured Loren tried to bypass grandpas truck (which was put there to keep him out of the concrete) and got about two feet in before people heard him whining, ugh, ugh, cause he was stuck and couldn't get out. About 5 minutes after that was repaired the neighbor girl Bailey ran through it as fast as she could, and even lost a shoe in the middle. Her dad then spent two hours finishing up the concrete and left it better than Bailey found it. We later joked and said,"Tell Bailey thanks for us."

I know Justin and Dad are beat, but man, it was amazing seeing everything they got done. We really couldn't have done it without them. They are the greatest!


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