I have been running and biking Mueller Park for years but most of the time only to elephant rock or to Rudy's flats. I was first introduced to running a loop up to cave peak by Sam earlier this year on a 4 am run. In the dark the conditions of the trail are hidden but easy to navigate. Unless you're Chris krash. I can't count the number of times I have fallen down on that loop. Most of the time it is going up hill. But as many of you may know I have a talent to krash with style.
I took Jeremy Haddock on the loop before speed goat and pushed him up to Rudy's flats in 1:08. I did my first front hand spring running up the trail. I had never done one on level ground. The majority of the time I am lucky to be able to tuck and roll back on my feet and continue running with minor scraps.
I have been thinking about doing the loop solo in the light for some time to get the CR. As Steve, Sam, Matt and I headed up one gloomy Friday morning to do the loop. There was talk of a show down between Matt and I for the CR. Matt held the current CR for the loop. My plan was to hang with the boys till the rock and then get Matt to come with me to brake his CR. As we headed up the trail it started to rain. I love running in the rain, even if its muddy. We got about 2.5 miles up the trail when a bolt of lighting lit up the sky right above us and the thunder cracked at the same time. We stopped and evaluated if it was safe to go on. The consciences was to keep going. It wasn't more then 20 sec later that the next bolt of lighting and thunder shocked us to the core. With out saying a word all four of us turned around and headed quickly back down the trail. I am not easily scared but that one startled me.
Matt and I ran together quickly on the way down and talked about the loop. We both felt we could easily take 15 minuets of the current CR. I know I could take 20 off but didn't tell him that.
Mueller park Cave peak beat down!
The following Monday I didn't work so I decided that's when I would have a go at the loop solo. I dropped the kids off at school and headed up. The sky was clear and it was cool out side. The parking lot at the trail head was fairly full and I hoped I didn't have to contend with too many bikers coming down. I secretly hoped there was a biking going up and I would say to them "race you to Rudy's?"
On a side note, if you are looking for an adventures long 20 miler, run up Mueller to Grandview peak. A very fun ridge run. I would love to guide you there if you want.
I love the first 6 miles to Rudy's flats. It's mostly up hill but has a few short down hill jaunt and only climbs 1000 ft. The first mile is the hardest but I was able to run a 10:33. I was hoping to run a 1:05 but after hitting the rock in 31:37 the sub 1 hours look doable. Having never run the loop in the light if felt like every corner I turned I should hit Rudy's. One of the major draw backs from running in the dark, we don't get to see the beautiful trees and the surrounding view. I hit the top in 58:33 and celebrated by sending Sam a picture of my watch.
Running down north canyon is a blast and I got a little carried away with my speed. I knew on the down hill I could take even more time off the CR. At one time I looked down at my watch and saw I was running a 6:10 pace. Many times I felt like I was going to ketch a toe and fall because of my carelessness of down hill speed. If I did, I was going to blame it on Sam for not being there to run in front of me to slow me down. I am grateful for Sam leading the way down hill and saving me from pain most of the time. It seems that every time I decide to push it down hill and run in front of Sam I krash. Maybe that my punishment for thinking I am invincible at times and krashing is a way to humble me.
After dodging some big puddles past the single track in north canyon I took the hard left to the base of Cave peak. I checked my watch and it had taken me 1:20 to that point. I thought to myself I might be able to go under 2 hours but didn't plan on it. I still had to climb cave peak and that wasn't easy.
I hit the top of Cave peak out of breath in 1:43. I had my sub 2 hour and CR in the bag. Once again I ran down hill too fast and out of control. I was so confident in my time that I missed a turn and stayed on the ridge. The trail is not that well traveled and hard to see at times. I quickly doubled back but still couldn't find the right way. My head was then flooded with doubt about the CR. If I was too far off course all my work could not be recorded on Strava. But does my Srava time really matter? I knew what I had done and no one can take that away from me. I didn't run this loop to be the top dog. It was a test for myself physically and mentally and to see if I could push myself to the edge of exertion. I didn't come this far to just give up. If any thing I got a great workout.
I quickly cut down the hill to where I thought the trail could be but no luck. I bushwacked my way to the water tank and was back on track. Bushwacking at this time of year is a painful treat and I picked up about 60 stickers that clong to me for the rest of my run. Hitting the bridge was a joyful sight. I was done and had finished the loop in 2:01. Sam told me I would have gone sub 2 hour if I didn't stop to take pictures. I will save the sub 2 for next year. Now its Matts turn to take a crack at it. I hope I have set the bar high. Good luck Matt, you will need it.
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