Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Loren Paul

I can't believe my little man is 2 already. It's so sad, but luckily he doesn't look it yet. He got a 2t outfit from Gymboree from my sister Julie, and I was able to put the pants on Natalie. They were even long enough for her, just a little tight in the waist. He may be wearing these for a while!

Loren had a wonderful birthday Friday. We had a Cars party. We had a 5 ft mater on the wall that everyone took pictures with. I think I am going to put it in his room now. He got a huge mater balloon, well two actually because Natalie and Elisa were able to pop the first one within the first 5 minutes of bringing it home. We had a Baskin Robins ice cream cake, cause that is what grammie in the mountains would have made had we been there for it. He got four new cars on his cake.

We went to go get him a cars bicycle and after I had paid for it and we were leaving the store he wouldnt come. He was laying in the isle next to the cars bikes display saying, "Mine, Mine." I had to show him that I had one and that we were carrying out of the store before he would leave. What a silly goose. He was able to blow out his candles all by himself. We also got him a cars bedding set. (Grammie in the mountains paid for most of it) He went to bed just cuddling his new Mater pillow.

It was a wonderful and we had so much fun, but we were tired. Grandma and Grandpa with the birds were there along with the Habels, and Parkes.

1 comment:

grammie said...

seems like i forgot to send the money, oops want credit for your visit here or a check?